promise to families.
Our orthopaedic team offers complete care for a wide variety of
congenital and acquired disorders, including a full range of
associated services, including physical and occupational
therapy, sports medicine, and orthotic and prosthetic devices.

Bone Health Clinic
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This clinic is a weekly multidisciplinary clinic that runs with participation from
orthopaedics, en- docrinology and clinical genetics, with a focus on genetic bone diseases.
Baby Hip Clinic
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The Baby Hip Clinic at Happy Kids Ortho Hospital is an inter-professional clinic that
includes an orthopaedic surgeon, a physiotherapist practitioner, orthotists, clinic nurses .
The clinic is designed to assess and treat babies with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
Babies with dislocated hips are ideally seen at the earliest available clinic date.
Complex Spine Clinic
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This clinic occurs once a month under the direction of orthopaedics and neurosurgery.
Fracture Clinic
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Our interprofessional clinic is devoted to the assessment and treatment of paediatric
Typically, we see upper and lower extremity fractures, such as wrist, forearm, elbow,
shoulder, thigh, lower leg and feet.
Hip Follow-up Clinic
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HIp Follow-up Clinic
The Hip Follow-up Clinic provides conservative management of children with
developmental dys- plasia of the hip (DDH).
This clinic is held weekly. The surgeon performs a comprehensive assessment including
real time education on developmental dysplasia of the hip.